Manage workloads with Juju

Once MicroStack has been deployed, you have the option of managing workloads manually (i.e. via the openstack CLI) or with Juju. This document shows how to set up the latter: How to manage MicroStack workloads with Juju.

There is more than one way to proceed depending on your local networking but in this document a bastion (jump host) will first be created. Juju workloads will then be managed from that system.

Note: The Images Sync plugin is a dependency of the Juju workload feature. Make sure to enable it.

Set up the bastion

The steps in this section are performed on any host that has already installed the openstack snap. Generally, it would be the host that you are using as a management client.

Create the bastion:

sunbeam launch --name bastion

Access instance with `ssh -i /home/ubuntu/snap/openstack/477/sunbeam ubuntu@

Send the cloud init file that was generated during cloud deployment to the bastion. This file provides normal user access to the cloud:

scp -i /home/ubuntu/snap/openstack/current/sunbeam demo-openrc ubuntu@

Finally, log in to the bastion:

ssh -i /home/ubuntu/snap/openstack/current/sunbeam ubuntu@

Install and configure the Juju client

The steps in this section are performed on the bastion.

Install Juju:

sudo snap install juju

Source the cloud init file that was recently transferred:

source demo-openrc

Create the file clouds.yaml to define the existing cloud:

    type: openstack
    auth-types: [userpass]
        endpoint: $OS_AUTH_URL

Replace $OS_AUTH_URL with the value for your environment. It can be queried in this way:


Inform Juju about the cloud:

juju add-cloud --client sunbeam ./clouds.yaml

Example output:

Cloud "sunbeam" successfully added to your local client.
You will need to add a credential for this cloud (`juju add-credential sunbeam`)
before you can use it to bootstrap a controller (`juju bootstrap sunbeam`) or
to create a model (`juju add-model <your model name> sunbeam`).

Create the file credentials.yaml to define your cloud credentials:

      auth-type: userpass
      username: $OS_USERNAME
      password: $OS_PASSWORD
      tenant-name: $OS_PROJECT_NAME
      project-domain-name: $OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME
      user-domain-name: $OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME
      version: "$OS_AUTH_VERSION"

Like before, you can query for the value of each variable. Note that the value for version is in double quotes.

Add your credentials to Juju:

juju add-credential sunbeam --client -f credentials.yaml

Example output:

Credential "sunbeam-creds" added locally for cloud "sunbeam".

Create a Juju controller

The steps in this section are also performed on the bastion.

Create a Juju controller, here named my-controller:

juju bootstrap sunbeam my-controller

End of example output:

Running machine configuration script...
Bootstrap agent now started
Contacting Juju controller at to verify accessibility...

Bootstrap complete, controller "my-controller" is now available
Controller machines are in the "controller" model

Now you can run
        juju add-model <model-name>
to create a new model to deploy workloads.

Deploy an application

You can now use standard Juju practices to manage applications. See the Juju documentation for help with Juju.

Below, we’ll create a model and add the ubuntu application to it.

juju add-model my-model
juju deploy ubuntu --base ubuntu@22.04

To inspect the model:

juju status

Example output:

Model     Controller     Cloud/Region       Version  SLA          Timestamp
my-model  my-controller  sunbeam/RegionOne  3.4.2    unsupported  15:07:44Z

App     Version  Status  Scale  Charm   Channel        Rev  Exposed  Message
ubuntu  22.04    active      1  ubuntu  latest/stable   24  no

Unit       Workload  Agent  Machine  Public address  Ports  Message
ubuntu/0*  active    idle   0

Machine  State    Address         Inst id                               Base          AZ    Message
0        started  4c147f10-9f9e-449b-b58a-6b9534553e4a  ubuntu@22.04  nova  ACTIVE

Log out of the bastion in preparation for the next section:


Verify the OpenStack VMs

On the client host, via the openstack CLI, you can see the OpenStack VMs that correspond to the workload machine, the Juju controller, and the bastion (respectively, from top to bottom, in the output below):

openstack server list

| ID                                   | Name                     | Status | Networks                                  | Image                                                        | Flavor    |
| 4c147f10-9f9e-449b-b58a-6b9534553e4a | juju-08056b-my-model-0   | ACTIVE | demo-network=               | auto-sync/ubuntu-jammy-22.04-amd64-server-20240319-disk1.img | m1.small  |
| e0b7858f-4529-442e-8440-b8fde6819347 | juju-8cf50d-controller-0 | ACTIVE | demo-network=              | auto-sync/ubuntu-jammy-22.04-amd64-server-20240319-disk1.img | m1.medium |
| ba8c4cfe-0e27-4471-9923-a7fbedf774c5 | bastion                  | ACTIVE | demo-network=, | ubuntu                                                       | m1.tiny   |

Last updated 3 months ago. Help improve this document in the forum.