
This feature deploys the OpenStack Telemetry services Ceilometer, Aodh, Gnocchi, and Openstack Exporter.

Enabling Telemetry

To enable Telemetry, run the following command:

sunbeam enable telemetry

Use the OpenStack CLI to create and manage alarms. See the upstream Aodh documentation for details.

Disabling Telemetry

To disable Telemetry, run the following command:

sunbeam disable telemetry

This will terminate the application but not remove it from the model. To do that, run the following:

juju remove-application --force --no-wait --no-prompt -m openstack \
   ceilometer gnocchi gnocchi-mysql-router aodh aodh-mysql-router



Users need the role admin to be able to manage alarms.

Create alarm memory_high with metric metric.usage and alarm action log using the following command:

 openstack alarm create \
    --name memory_high \
    --type gnocchi_resources_threshold \
    --description 'instance consuming memory' \
    --metric memory.usage \
    --threshold 2000 \
    --comparison-operator gt \
    --aggregation-method mean \
    --granularity 300 \
    --evaluation-periods 3 \
    --alarm-action 'log://' \
    --resource-id <INSTANCE ID> \
    --resource-type instance

Sample output:

| Field                     | Value                                |
| aggregation_method        | mean                                 |
| alarm_actions             | ['log:']                             |
| alarm_id                  | d365506b-fc14-479d-b34d-0f3ae267a858 |
| comparison_operator       | gt                                   |
| description               | instance consuming memory            |
| enabled                   | True                                 |
| evaluate_timestamp        | 2023-10-13T04:07:14.849164           |
| evaluation_periods        | 3                                    |
| granularity               | 300                                  |
| insufficient_data_actions | []                                   |
| metric                    | memory.usage                         |
| name                      | memory_high                          |
| ok_actions                | []                                   |
| project_id                | 815325ab42e443fbb6fc6eb8905c5aa8     |
| repeat_actions            | False                                |
| resource_id               | 1f12876c-b320-436a-9ae9-5fd8e065e69f |
| resource_type             | instance                             |
| severity                  | low                                  |
| state                     | insufficient data                    |
| state_reason              | Not evaluated yet                    |
| state_timestamp           | 2023-10-13T04:07:14.792561           |
| threshold                 | 2000.0                               |
| time_constraints          | []                                   |
| timestamp                 | 2023-10-13T04:07:14.792561           |
| type                      | gnocchi_resources_threshold          |
| user_id                   | d9730bd835bc4620ab3e6b06c5b17477     |

Check the metrics for memory.usage using the following command:

 openstack metric measures show -r <INSTANCE ID> memory.usage --granularity 300

Sample output:

| timestamp                 | granularity |         value |
| 2023-10-13T03:45:00+00:00 |       300.0 | 2138.51171875 |
| 2023-10-13T03:50:00+00:00 |       300.0 |    2138.46875 |
| 2023-10-13T03:55:00+00:00 |       300.0 |  2138.4609375 |
| 2023-10-13T04:00:00+00:00 |       300.0 |  2138.4609375 |
| 2023-10-13T04:05:00+00:00 |       300.0 |  2138.4609375 |

Check alarm history for any alarm events triggered using the following command:

openstack alarm-history show <ALARM ID> --fit-width

Sample output:

| timestamp                  | type             | detail                                                                                                            | event_id                             |
| 2023-10-13T04:08:45.607387 | state transition | {"state": "alarm", "transition_reason": "Transition to alarm due to 3 samples outside threshold, most recent:     | 1ae90db8-124a-4e9a-9e76-5a81216ac54c |
|                            |                  | 2138.4609375"}                                                                                                    |                                      |
| 2023-10-13T04:07:14.792561 | creation         | {"alarm_id": "d365506b-fc14-479d-b34d-0f3ae267a858", "type": "gnocchi_resources_threshold", "enabled": true,      | b991407b-511e-40ba-a353-f63e8e60782c |
|                            |                  | "name": "memory_high", "description": "instance consuming memory", "timestamp": "2023-10-13T04:07:14.792561",     |                                      |
|                            |                  | "user_id": "d9730bd835bc4620ab3e6b06c5b17477", "project_id": "815325ab42e443fbb6fc6eb8905c5aa8", "state":         |                                      |
|                            |                  | "insufficient data", "state_timestamp": "2023-10-13T04:07:14.792561", "state_reason": "Not evaluated yet",        |                                      |
|                            |                  | "ok_actions": [], "alarm_actions": ["log://"], "insufficient_data_actions": [], "repeat_actions": false,          |                                      |
|                            |                  | "time_constraints": [], "severity": "low", "rule": {"granularity": 300, "comparison_operator": "gt", "threshold": |                                      |
|                            |                  | 2000.0, "aggregation_method": "mean", "evaluation_periods": 3, "metric": "memory.usage", "resource_id":           |                                      |
|                            |                  | "1f12876c-b320-436a-9ae9-5fd8e065e69f", "resource_type": "instance"}}                                             |                                      |

Alarm memory_high is created with alarm action log, so check for log events on aodh-evaluator:

sudo microk8s.kubectl -n openstack logs aodh-0 -c aodh-notifier | grep memory_high

2023-10-13T04:08:45.650Z [aodh-notifier] 2023-10-13 04:08:45.648 17 INFO aodh.notifier.log [-]
Notifying alarm memory_high d365506b-fc14-479d-b34d-0f3ae267a858 of low priority from insufficient data to alarm with action log: because Transition to alarm due to 3 samples outside threshold, most recent:  2138.4609375.

OpenStack Exporter

When the Observability feature is enabled, you’ll have access to the Grafana Openstack dashboards, providing insights about the cloud usage.

  • OpenStack Dashboard: an overview of the various OpenStack components
  • OpenStack Overview: higher level overview of the OpenStack deployment
  • OpenStack Hypervisor Overview: detailed information of the hypervisors

Last updated 3 months ago. Help improve this document in the forum.